Your Secret Power

Your Secret Power

You have a power within you that is greater than your intellect, your ability to reason or problem solve. You have a power that can literally change your world on a dime, creating a new experience and expression of yourself in the moment. What is this power? It is the...
What To Do When Life Isn’t Going Your Way

What To Do When Life Isn’t Going Your Way

Ben Franklin notably said that the two things in life you cannot avoid are death and taxes. I wish that were the case! But that’s not the case at all, and we all know it. Anytime there is a death; there is also grief and sometimes guilt or remorse. Anytime there are...
Bucket List of Being

Bucket List of Being

For as long as I can remember I have obsessed with life itself: understanding it, milking every ounce of potential out of it and helping others do the same. As George Bernard Shaw wrote, “Life is no brief candle to me. It is a sort of splendid torch I’ve got hold of,...

The MOST Effective Way to Use Your To-Do List!

This could easily be the shortest blog post in history. Why? Because the answer to the title of this post – the most-effective way to use your to-do list – is simply one word: Don’t! I know, I know – you are attached to your to-do list. You LOVE to check things...

How to Get the Most Out of Your One Precious Life

American playwright, George Bernard Shaw, wrote one of my favorite quotes. In it he pens, “I want to be thoroughly used up when I die for life is no brief candle to me, it is a sort of splendid torch I’ve got hold of, and I want to make it burn as brightly as I can...